Monday, May 9, 2011

Pearlyn's depression

Everyone knows why I am depressed. Yes, I am very affected by it. I cried when the hairdresser was busying cutting my hair. Haha. Well, obviously it was not because she screwed my hair but it was the speech made by our all time favorite Mr George Yeo. I’ve already tried to hold back my tears when he spoke to the people in the stadium; but alas, emotion has caught up with my rational senses when I saw his statement on Straits Times.

This May has been a difficult month for me. Not only did I have to endure the exam stress, apparently this election has got me so agitated and ignited that more recovery is needed to heal my broken heart. But who knows, maybe (once in a while having) some heartache might be good for my body….

And…. Regarding the hot topic - Nicole S, initially I didn’t like her as she was up against Mr Goh however after everything had ended, the things she has said and delivered just made me admired her more. Despite her age, she has proved herself as a worthy warrior because you just can’t discredit her. Likewise, as much as I wanted pap to win, I didn’t want Mr Chiam to leave potong pasir. I genuinely respect his passion for politics and determination to be the alternative voice for the citizen. His departure scarred by soul even further.

Haiz… this is just depressing…. We know you will be back :D

Anyway, it will be another long journey ahead for Singapore. Let’s progress as a nation and bring the best for the people. We’re on your back!

(How i felt for pap - well described by this pic)



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