Sunday, May 29, 2011

I feel your love......... ReflectioN mitsumekaesu hitomi ni egaite haruka na Neverending Story

too many readings... lolx!

hahah.. what i'm trying to say is, it's been a hectic week with camp preparation on the left hand, mentoring session on the right, it makes me wonder how to work out a grand plan to include my reading materials in as well. No doubt, i still have to attend most *ahem* outings, however that is gonna depend if i can buy more time.
I have to say, i'm very fortunate to be in an awesome team, be it the camp, mentoring or the EU class despite being one of the "less contributing" factors, (lolx) i'm glad tt they still rope me in. hehez. I'm just plain Lucky!
Anyways.... yesterday, i dreamt of a Moon that was extremely clear and near. So what's the big deal? Well, it is a big deal because it is raining cats and dogs now. i shall advocate that my dream has had an indirect effect on the surrounding... HAHHAHA.. ok, i think it's a bit way exaggerated.

Hope everything will turn out FUN!

Flying to the Moon,

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