Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hello 2017!

I believe as a human being, it is not hard to understand why people who are in a relationship would become insecure about themselves at some point of their relationship?

I am no different, but I guess, we got to find a way to resolve these issues, perhaps, along the way, comes to a realization whether you guys work well as a team? Team work is important, there would bound to be times where the emotion roller coaster kicks in and how your partner work together with you in dealing with these issues are important. Just imagine, life issues as your enemy and sometimes you win, a draw, lose or even struggling and that's when you tag your partner and he/she comes in to support you. Despite the outcome, team work is exhibited and it should be celebrated.

Anyways, heck, i have no idea what i am driving at.

I guess what i want to say is that, I want to remember that I am happy now. Happy to be in this relationship. not to say that all is nice and rosy, but i embrace the fact that, my partner is a honest chap.

And of course, provide him the platform for him to be clean to me on any topics is equally crucial as well. I dare not say that i would not be pissed off hahahah, at least, i get the truth. While it hurts, it is still better than being the last person on Earth to know esp more so, if you are supposed to be his significant other?

A little more faith?

Here I am, thinking about building a future with a guy, let's see how things would turn out along the way :)

What's your stories?

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