Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cant seem to do anything right

oh goddd, please tell me how can i overcome this crisis... nothing is going my way and the more i try to be optimistic about everything, the more exhausted and "crashed" I am. This "crash-y" feeling is well illustrated as a cocaine drug addict undergoing withdrawal symptom... haiz.. before you start wondering elsewhere, i need to clarify that i'm not on drugs haha in fact, it freaks me out to even touch those stuff; and so how would i know anything about the withdrawal symptoms which the addicts are feeling?! Well, i guess... i just know it but milder.
Right now, i'm very dejected. No one actually knows how to read me and so i deserved to die in a corner - emo to death; until the withdrawal symptoms subside. Yet, the funny thing is, you keep going back for more; to get depress over again as though to build up tolerance so that the next wave of depression doesnt seem crashing on you so badly.
ohhh goddddd, please please spend some time with me and hear my cries ....
well i wont resort to wrist cutting or anything extreme but i am really really sick and tired of all this shit. one thing for sure, if i cant overcome it, nothing is going to solve my desire to win and succeed. i want it soooo badly - the recognition and prestige



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