Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What makes you Special :D

Yes... i will not deny that i've a mountain of work rotting on my desk, waiting patiently to be cleared by meeee~~ yet, i still have the courage to squander my time away on blogging~~ I must be insane!
The truth is, i'm kinda distracted after meta ca2 paper. It feels like i have exhausted all my energy preparing it and as a result, i can't seem to get focused for anything now.

Restless~ ~

and i don't know why...


中国达人秀.... is worth watching!

Despite watching some of the videos various times, they can never fail to inspire me more... 
Being emotional is one thing, being appreciative of one another is another virtue. Human existence is such a magical thing, it forces us to experience different things while we breathe (aimlessly) ....

Before i end this, i would like my readers to think about those people who you would like to make connection(s) with...
if you can't think of any candidate, listen to fang da tong's song - 

壞 別在數我的
怪 別在訴她的

So long ... my friends,

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