Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Last, That's Why I Treat You Like A Trash

So i say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there

Cuz -> Once again I'm thinking about taking the easy way outtttt~~

Too much singing sessions in this entire July just make me feel incredibly vocal....haha ... But It's such a shame that July is coming to an end and up to this point, I have yet to feel fully rejuvenated. Well, at the very least, I've accomplished one very important thing, which is to watch my long awaited Harry Potter P2. Finally, I get to part my ways slowly with the things (not just about HP) that I always wanted to. Step by step, I know i'm on the right direction. It's not always easy to say goodbyes, but deep within I know, I ought to. Otherwise, the side effects accompanied with it would grow stronger with each passing day. For I understand the purpose of this game, and all i longed for is to put them right past me before school reopens. It may sounds all the more silly since technically speaking, i'm the ultimate culprit who brought them all upon myself and deserve absolutely no pity.... and now, i want it safely undetected. 
Thank You All, for being my happy potion all these while! Let's keep it simple, real and genuine. 

~For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.~

Be ThankFully,

(Love the Imperfections, because being a Perfectionist is just plain Imposer)

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