Thursday, December 27, 2012

i just want to lead a simple life? why must you hinder me?!

Tại sao tôi buồn?
không ai sẽ hiểu, nhưng tôi thực sự biết lý do

Ive ask this question many times, god, why must you do this to me even though im sure you did it for a reason. However, regardless how this reason may be, it hurts when im caught off-guarded. Should i be punished for defying your wishes? But I dont know your wishes; i just want to feel certain things at my own pace even if it may not be the best or ideal for me, in fact i was merely setting my foot on something which comforts me during situations which tense me up.
God, where are you when i needed you the most, when i thought youve heard my sorrows and when i thought i was one step closer to you... you put me as secondary... have i disgrace anyone?

At the end of day, i think and will know this absolutely without a doubt - i love you dad :')
He was the one who stood by me when i thought my world has go against me
there are so many things i want to share or want to be heard of but i know it wouldnt be fair for the listener because why burden them when certain things would never cross their lives? Yet, carrying so many secrets on my frail shoulders over the past few years had slowly betrayed my trust; i could no longer trust myself. At best, i comfort myself - its ok, things happened for a purpose and god has his arrangement but would this comforting words sustain me? I dunno.. ive lost control, and the only thing i could do was hiding behind the computer; panicking about the next step about myself. I dont want to be pessimistic, i hate it. i seriously hate it when i cant get over things... too much price for me to pay ...
Friends come and go,and if im lucky, those who can tolerate me stay while even so, why is there this un-explainable sadness engulfing me, creeping into every empty corner of my heart, leeching away all my happiness and tingling my calm mind?

Is there a way to eliminate all err and restart myself?
eerrr... can i be saved? or could my happy soul be resurrected?

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