Thursday, September 27, 2012

This problem ballooned...... let it burst it with my own hands

Never did it affects me so much


writing reports!

4 pages only... but im desperate with words! i dunno what can i crap already! after vomiting 3 pages of texts, im like.. seriously... NO MORE NO MORE!

Never in my life did i expect myself to succumb into such a situation - lack of words... Quite the opposite, i always need to chop away many info just to compact everything into whatever given number of pages...

and now... im desperate to find words
to fill up those gaps...
to justify my own incompetency ....
to.... errrrrr....

im in deadmeat.

Miss P

on the other hand... if this is retribution for being greedy... although it is quite worth it, just that... could i complain a little... ?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sorry for being greedy but 就放纵我吧。

Yes, im a workaholic and i admit that.
sometimes, i do hope that i can be a little dishonest about myself and my thoughts but i know i cant because that's not me.
perhaps i can fool the rest, but frankly, who am i kidding with? me, myself full stop.

where is that sustainable energy for my realm of wisdom? hahahahahaha... where where? ive been constantly seeking for it, to strike a balance in life.. or did i accidentally lose it? im insane, and i probably haven't wake up from my dreams...

There are so many things i wanna shout it out loud! Ok! i'm too stress! it is gripping me real hard, like a monster stealing away zzz monster! Most of the time (sternly warn myself) that i have to sleep despite countless reassurances, i just couldnt sleep! consequently, i blame the weather i blame my indecisiveness i can literally put blame on anything but admitting that ive a problem. yes, i have a problem, do you have a problem with that?

And especially at this time of idk why... Pink's music just replay on my mind continuously....  In fact, i realised that i really love her music. Her music doesnt seem to age with time ~~~



Saturday, September 8, 2012

Really? God sure gave you more attention?

I prayed so hard for it to happen! And I always told myself that, if i were given another chance, i will not let it go! However, i think God likes to put me on test almost immediately; so (perhaps) that my sincerity gets challenged!
Please give me more opportunities? 
Or am I too greedy?

Maybe ive said it SO many times until there is no more credibility left inside me? Or should i just concentrate on the more impt stuff?

ps: why not just give me what i want? :'(

y am i like this?

i'm getting sick and tired of these....

Really Love every single vid puts up by Natalie <3 ups for her!

This song is going viral! chachachachacha-lachacha
>> I cant seem to upload the vid >> so i shall leave the link here or

(Look at mario! He is so young! arai ko dai!)