Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope. -Tom Head
Yes, you have heard it and yes you have guessed it
I dont give a single Finger
Some people are weird
I love to surprise people
Though for those people who arent nice to me (intentionally or unintentionally), I would still be nice to them :D
So stop questioning me why i gave less attention to you; because I dont give a single F.
Doesnt mean, being nice to you on the surface means anything to you. i'm sorry, but i seriously mean it.
I still very much like to mingle with people who share similar frequency as me; or else dont blame me for not giving enough attention to you. Cuz hey, the world doesnt stop rotating because of you (winks~)
Hello there! It has been a while since my last entry, while I would not say that thus far, things have been smooth sailing, I would dare say that my life roller coaster has put me through time proven tests again and again.
Same type of problem, presented in a different form.
If I have likened a song 10-15 years back, the chances are, I would still love it. I realised that the impact remains potent despite changes in life circumstances, some songs continue to stay relevant; full of feels.
In particular, Lose Yourself by Eminem and Only the One ( 단 한사람) by Yoo Jin.
They are on my auto repeat music list. hehe
I think I'm someone who is really optimistic. I also dont know where does all the strengths came from but i could feel it. :D
Anyway, just feel like sharing my recent playlist! And BIGBANG's songs (2015) are songs that if you have failed to listen to them, please slapppppp yourself and get yourself exposed to their music now! pali! Ima! Ton ni! xian zai ma shang!
1) Loser
2) Bae Bae
3) Only the One
4) You're so cute Neo Gwiyeop Da
5) Ke Yi Le (Eason Chan)
and Many More, but right now, Top 3 should have bombarded my brain relentlessly! Sometimes, just before I close my eyes, one of them would invade brain quietly but violently. I have nowhere to hide :D
Korean Wave 来势汹汹!魅力无法挡!我的神!
Sometimes, it is tempting to learn Korean you know! So that I could sing them w ease or at the very very least, pronounce them better.
是的 好像就是一种感觉。3分钟热度已退
My 2015 started out rocky, in fact, due to the poor foundation set, i was caught in the middle of nowhere. But I am glad, I am seriously counting my blessing in the midst of all the disguises.
I must really say, i owe many people in 2014 to my unprecedented thoughts.
More importantly, i let myself down. really down. I have a total lost of control of my emotions.
Despite all of that, I am still happy. It has brought me closer to the people whom I wanted to.
I would proudly declare that 2014 has helped me filtered many people in my life and I'm glad that it has done me a pretty good favor.
As for now, I am looking forward to 2015.
A brand new chapter for me.
This year, I did something different. haha. i could hardly believe that i actually brought in changes to my own habit. And that is, to write down my new year resolution :)
It is quite an amazing process and i urge you to do that too.
I used to thought that making a new year resolution is kind of a waste of time; no one really sticks to it any way. it was created to be bent (?)
Mentally strong people tolerate and embrace change; because change is the constant. the earth will not stop rotating for you; however, if you make a plan and start to focus on that goal, the universe will align it for you.
Jack Ma said it the best. Dont choose to do something that you have no passion for, it will soon burn you out. Choose to do something which you love, and find meaning in it. because during time of adversity, only with passion, enthusiasm and love would you be able to pull through the presented challenges with grace and tenacity.
Anyway, Jack Ma inspires me hell lot. I am gonna, take a few of his teachings and place it close to my heart. Exercise it and excel
No one owes me to succeed. No one would care even; my pride, my story, my life.
I must want it so desperately that i could move heaven and earth to get it.
When friends coined me as an alpha female hahaa, i paused and ponder, i think i can be larger than that.
with that, sky is the limit :)
Time is fair
Each of us has 24 hours to use; it is how we want to put our mind to it and maximize its potential. Because I can, I can.
And I will break down those walls; using my time and youth to not only reach my goal but also to be better than 昨天的我。