Hello World!
How are ya?!
Let's kick start with something that happened to me just 4 days ago!
Well, i couldnt agree more that the amount of work and revisions required for school is freaking driving me crazy, but oh well, i have to deal with it right? Apart from that, i'm glad that i met up with Gen and Veron on Thurs :) It was definitely a night to remember since the last time the 3 of us gathered was like how many months ago. And every time we met, i really felt a sense of serenity and security :)
Moving on, all i could remember what i did on Good Friday was to chiong my assignments like a crazy woman yet still didnt manage to produce any decent work out... LOLOLx... And here comes Saturday where i get to meetup with moshulu ppl (even though the attendees were mostly made up of the usual ppl, it was nevertheless a nice catchup session filled with so much joy and laughter; thus coloring my boring weekend.) And here comes Sunday ... opened my email and witnessed how my report was critiqued by my mentor. ahahah.. it was like ... an end of the world for me... all i could see was, my report was flooded in a sea of reds.... although i was shocked, i was delighted. hehehe.. at least, now he knows that i am in need of his help urgently! Well, ok lah, i shall not be so demanding since he is busy with his postdoc thesis.
ok, shall get back to working mode soon... arggghhh